I played Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, and calculated the probability to win the final quest is 1/64~1/128 if a strongest weapon has been obtained.
Then why an impossible game exist?
If infinite possibility is required in finite system, when dependence required in where the player has realized dimension aims at infinite, an impossible game derives it T (true).
Many gamers hacked Play Station Potable and rewrote the weapons’ data to win.
This time I play the Glass Bead Game with a case of impossible→∞ (dependence), as symbol as linkage to game below.

I’ve wrote the next scheme, inheriting the symbol, principle, and existence i.e. {linkage to game, \exist, (1) paradox and (2) generation}, in the phenomena details in any created change due to {space, time, concept}; the reason intuition toward generation.

A natural selection calculator arises from the life/existence zero, who have it survive, and who haven’t leave the future to come, it’s force.
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept
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