ref. The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept, fig.4. The red line: the outer reflexive, the blue line: the inner reflexive.

Of p-q, p=1, p=2, p=3 are structured with the inner reflexive q=2 and the outer reflexive q=4, and the equal structure of p=1, p=2, p=3 belongs to any synthesis; the cognition q=2 and q=4; [0, 0]interval in the synthesis cognition.

When a synthesis is done, the effect exists; [0, 0]interval, and the items can be changed the locations. Then inside the effect will be observed; [0, 0]interval -> the inner/outer reflexives of {space-time, number, category}set, and often will derive a new synthesis.

(1-i) is the reason intuition model from the inner/outer reflexive.
(1-ii) refers Walter Benjamin's reason intuition idea.
(2) what the third set is made from and does.
If any item itself of the twelve items is changed (e.g. symbol) in order to project the inheritance of your country's culture and civilization to any realization with your synthesis method, then the straight causality sequence’s change will be required, and then an occurred problem will may lead you, although there is the second scheme method to any newly generated first scheme method.
Link for a newly generated first scheme method:
No.2440, the newly generated first scheme method from no.2339, the theme not found yet.

ref. The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept, fig.5. Cf. a model referring Walter Benjamin
Then how is from a category to another category in fig.2, as referring Kant philosophy,

Quantität der Urteile: quantity of the judgement
(1) Allgemeine: general
(2) Besondere: special
(3) Einzelne: individual
Qualität: quality
(1) Bejahende: affirmative
(2) Verneinende: rejecting
(3) Unendliche: infinite
Relation: relation
(1) Kategorische: categorical
(2) Hypothetische: hypothetical
(3) Disjunktive: disjunctive
Modalität: provision
(1) Problematische: problematic[al]
(2) Assertorische (behauptend): maintainning
(3) Apodiktische: apodictic (necessarily or self-evidently true)
reason intuition from reflexive to reflexive, {x⇦, y} means y reflexives x here, e.g.,
{1-(3) individual⇦, a child} -"a"-> {2-(3) infinite⇦, lasting nation}
the causality "a" belongs to power of love, love belongs to reason/transcendence concept.
{4-(1) problematic⇦, a criminal} -"b"-> {3-(3) disjunctive, lasting nation}
the causality "b" belongs to power of ruin, ruin means to end soon, and belongs to a finite concept.

The reason ability gets objects not directly, then the clear understanding (der reine Verstand) is a construction ability (of imagination), and brings the structures of occurring to the reason ability, but

therefore, the both reflexives of inner and outer in fig.1 of the first scheme method are required for the reason intuition in fig.2.
(C) Copyright 2022 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.