Gravity, inertia of straight and spin, lifting by muscles, and what is objects, are phenomena, and the phenomena are received with the bones being in relative directions, time difference by stepping on the ground (but it isn’t enough in sky or water), it is realized through your conscious progress. In other words, your conscious is linked, causes, and changes effects space-time.
When you change a meaning of space, and derives the method, the generalized time restoration will be materialized, the cause and effect are in the time.
And here it is explained that the first scheme method is not only for mental process.
The links:
No.2404. love; meta-language be extended before cognition.
No.2405. {meta-language → motivation}; enhanced self-existence.
(C) Copyright 2022 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.