The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept
I’ve given the numbers to the figures.
After fig.4,
The advanced reflexive has been achieved as the first scheme method, as realized the new zero, any linkage appears as
(1) the first set,
{space, time, number}set on the outer-reflexive, {category}set on the inner-reflexive, in form→matter,
(2) the second set,
{path, progress}set on the outer-reflexive, {connection between nature and yourself}set on the inner-reflexive, in matter→form,
(3) the third set is in order to derive the intuition of reason, the figure to complement is fig.5,
the realization.
After fig.6.1,
… bildet mit bestimmten Adjectiven die entsprechenden Substantive, die dann einen Zustand, eine Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaft ausdrücken: …
(C) Copyright 2022 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nisho). All rights reserved.