August 1st update information (2)

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

August 1st update information (2)


The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept



When man/woman uses reflexive ability, {space, time, concept ∈ dimensions} is realized from a-priori ability of human existence, then some of realized dimension are effecting nature as given a-priori by human interactively. The a-priori follows a purpose, the change derives a function (the first set) and is derived your action (the second set), then the life/existence zero was formed in the three sets of inner/outer reflexive in 1996.


When man/woman uses reflexive ability, {space, time, concept ∈ dimensions} is realized from a-priori ability of human existence, then some of realized dimension are effecting nature as given a-priori by human interactively. The a-priori follows a purpose, the change derives a function (the first set) and is derived your action (the second set *a), then the life/existence zero was formed in the three sets of inner/outer reflexive in 1996.

*a: in Lao-tzu, compared with form to matter in the first set, of the second set 1 derives 2, 2 derives 3 … as an extension is given as matter to form. E.g. one of the symbolic matter is ”水 (water)”, then number of practical extension can exist; matter, then the insight of 道 (Tao) exists; principle as 無 (nothing).


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