The Dimension Loss and The Perfect Language.

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The Dimension Loss and The Perfect Language.

As note:
(1) the dimension loss in the black flame by Nazis, the Italian fascism, and the great Japan empire.
(2) against (1), Hesse proposed the Glass Bead Game, the concept was gotten with over 35,000 letters, and published.
(3) as reference: the pragmatism, the second industrial revolution (the steam engine; machinery), the Orient travelers, the studies of perfect language.

fig.1. “Es entstand, wie es scheint, gleichzeitig in Deuschland und in England, und zwar in beiden Ländern als Spielübung in jenen kleinen Kreisen von Musikgelehrten und Musikern, die in den neuen musiktheoretischen Seminaren arbeiteten und studierten.” -the Glass Bead Game-

Kant explained music was/is time-art.
With zeros of the first scheme method, regarding sounds as time-sequence-geometry as potential;

fig.2. The first’s musical practice: {outer reflexive, inner reflexive} → {number, concept}, → {{frequency, wave-form}, }; the zeros

Science requires the axiom in order to detail phenomena, and requires a detailed axiom to higher objectivity. But our human reason ability is inspiring higher axiom of axioms, i.e. axiom before axioms, then we use any concept to realize or experience something. Therefore the perfect language needs the linkage of number and concept at first, i.e. both for the detailed phenomenon and the higher axiom, the basic requirement of perfect language has been matelialized with the life/existence zero in the first scheme method.

fig.3. As a distribution of sounds, circle of fifths (-Wikipedia-), for any Western musical concept and the numerical figures.
fig.4. “Den Morgenlandfahrern (to the Orient travelers)”
fig.5. “Die Morgenlandfahrt (The Orient travel)”
fig.6. “Da es mir beschieden war, etwas Großes mitzuerleben, da ich das Glück gehabt habe, dem »Bunde« anzugehören und einer der Teilnehmer jener einzigartigen Reise sein zu dürfen, deren Wunder damals wie ein Meteor aufstrahlte und die nachher so wunderlich rasch in Vergessenheit, ja in Verruf geriet, habe ich mich entschlossen, den Versuch einer kurzen Beschreibung dieser unerhörten Reise zu wagen:”
fig.7. Für jenen engeren Kreis bedürfte unser Buch keiner Einleitung und keines Kommentars.
For that narrower circle, (no subject) would need (the "of" phrases are as adverb) of our book / of no prelude and no commentary.
(see next picture)
fig.8. Für jenen engeren Kreis bedürfte unser Buch keiner Einleitung und keines Kommentars.
For that narrower circle, (no subject) would need (the "of" phrases are as adverb) of our book / of no prelude and no commentary.
(my study)
fig.9. Hermann Hesse and Theodor Heuss. “Hesse”, this book is by Ayao Ide who translated the Glass Bead Game into Japanese, and my teacher from 1987 to 1995. ”From 1949 to 1959, Heuss was the first President of the Federal Republic of Germany -Wikipedia-“

My teacher Ayao Ide reproduced Brahms Symphony Nr.1 often in his room where I studied the novel Glass Bead Game with him. And I went to a concert of the symphony with Ide. Then in a corridor when nobody around us, he told me "you have been selected to 'B. Rahms (or B. Raums)'.
I think it is Bund des Raums (B. Raums), i.e. association of space (or sphere, or area).

Hitler obtained power from betraying the world and the world spirit, it meant to change the destruction of dimension in the world to more destructive energy.
The novel Glass Bead Game was proposed to recover and restore any dimension, it was opposite power against Hitler.

The association of dimension to support or lead the selection of Theodor Heuss who was the first president of present Germany, and the selection of Pope Benedict XVI.

Ide told me I was/am one of the members.
But things below was happening.

fig.10. My teacher Ayao Ide who has Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany).

The next year of Ayao Ide passed, the first scheme method of the Glass Bead Game was realized. I travelled Germany and Switzerland, then I met a German lady I think she was about 60 year old in 1996. We talked one hour in a restaurant, I told her the Glass Bead Game had become possible. She paid for the meal, I sent her stamps when I returned Japan.

fig.11. The Glass Bead Game of perfect language exists since 1996, although many of my photos, many of my letters, about the 35% notarized documents, even my PADI licence (of scuba diving) were stolen, and I’ll leave Japan forever, so, never return.

She sent me a beautiful leaflet.


But after this leaflet, I couldn't receive her mail.
Some people wrote me that sent me letters with indirect way, in other words, some letters of indirect expression reached me.
I left my family.

And I found in 2022, about 75% of letters to me disappeared.
I was very poor, therefor very busy to obtain money to live. I could not often check my photos and letters to me.

But since I left my family, many important documents disappeared, e.g. the first notarized document of the Glass Bead Game, although the scheme method itself was described in the second notarized document, the first document is described for the antecedent for the realization.

fig.13. A photo when I was 10 year old in 1975 was printed as if picked up from a battlefield. Since this photo I was/is socially attacked always. I survived a death pronouncement alone until today. I need rescue.
fig.14. Removal from the family register. With this, I understood the many lies of my father-in-law (by acknowledgement of a child). And “Nakajima (a family name)” is written here.
fig.15. A letter from the family (of me). Two kinds of cursive character, semi cursive style, and a mistaken square style character have been mixed, I felt an intimidation with always threats. And I never received money for books from ”aunt.”
fig.16. I carefully inspected the traces for three years.
fig.17. I applied my certificate of residence with full description, but minimum description. EXEMPTED SABOTAGE. *I used a recorder this day.
fig.18. I asked again for the full description, but it wasn’t full. I CANN’T GET EVEN MY CERTIFICATE OF RESIDENCE FOR MY RIGHTS. *I used a recorder this day.

Almost all the reason of what happened to me were hidden, and there were many lies it occurred before I was born. I carefully inspected the traces I could obtain, I needed three years for this inspection.
My groundfather-in-law was a politician and managed a place of slavery, he was hated so much. And my father-in-law sold me in secret, as a slave, for the both sides of slaved people and the slaving people, of the empire. And the slave so regarded in secret, it is me, materialized the Glass Bead Game of perfect language.

(C) Copyright 2022 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.

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