July 17th update information

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

July 17th update information


The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept



The twelve lines of the first scheme method have obtained in the study with natural human potentials through Napoleon Hill program for the first set, Lao-tzu for the second set, and the third set is my original. At same time this twelve lines model can compose the inner/actual appropriateness (die inne/objective Zweckmäßichkeit) of Kant.
As usage of the first scheme method, recollect your potential; the twelve lines from zero to realization. If any item itself of the twelve items is changed (e.g. symbol), then the time sequence’s change will be required, and then an occurred problem will may lead you, although there is the second scheme method.


In order to study natural human potentials, of the twelve lines of the first scheme method, I applied the Napoleon Hill program to the first set, Lao-tzu to the second set, and the third set is my original. At same time I composed the twelve lines with the inner/actual appropriateness (die inne/objective Zweckmäßichkeit) of Kant.
When you apply the first scheme method, recollect your potential; the twelve lines from zero to realization. If any item itself of the twelve items is changed (e.g. symbol), then the time sequence’s change will be required, and then an occurred problem will may lead you, although there is the second scheme method.



(C) Copyright 2022 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.

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