The figure 4 below is referred from my article Creating Kyo’s Civilization, the URL is

The globalism leverages existed on the third figure of the right page, and the effects should be required on the second figure, but the achievements of materialization weren’t enough or were lack. Then Biden administration did the economic blockage of the third to Russia, then Russia must keep the space-time amount with armed force as the first figure, as a breakwater against the leverages failure.
No market exists except the materialization of the second figure, it was the leverage failure, then think the space-time restoration.
As an assumption, when an American intellectual property right to restore space-time is permitted Russia, and Russia to America, and any countries if with the international laws of intellectual property right at same time, as the creativity of the second figure to restore space-time on the Earth instead of the armed force’s protecting space-time amount, the condition is peace, and is the deal.
(C) Copyright 2022 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reseerved.