Every possibility of the universe is reflected very varieties in the nature on Earth.
Every individual is born via very unique DNA, nature’s probability of change asks its potential of humankind to survive, here is the life/existence zero of Abraham’s language for the future possible to be linked on Earth.
With the life/existence zero belonged Abraham, now known as belonging to us, each individual is independent dimension of beginning (Genesis).
Those who live own uniqueness, the new dimension is real on the outer/inner reflexives possibly linked on Earth, the space-time (R^d) shouldn’t be narrowed, and be dimensionally linked of inner/outer breath.
I respect those who fight for the homeland, and I will fight now for USA if it is a war. And at same time, each life is very unique beginning of dimension required for the future, and is just one time.
The links:
For The Fourth Industrial Revolution (2).
For The Fourth Industrial Revolution.
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