But the first scheme method derives the cognition of any experience
Next, for another monster, the monster is southpaw,

extra-0.5sec is required for hunter's attack advantage, I thought the three median lines of monster, hunter, and cat (AI hunter), and described the first scheme method.

Hunter's extra-0.5sec can be differently obtained, with where hunter is, of the three median lines.

Looking for the three median lines,

replaced the center, was observing phase 1,

phase 2,

phase 3.
By the way, I was seeking extra-approach of the scheme method since 1996, each work included about 20 schemes, now the number is yet no2401. I.e. the variations might be about 40000.
(C) Copyright 2022 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.