I’ve get outside 18m^2 room few in the last 5 years, this is a serious mental damage.
People in the world think Japan is safe country. It is safe as physical violence, but since 400 years ago, it was Edo period, there was ”five people group” as one unit of watching each other, and gave the ruler of Edo Japan the secret information, almost all people belonged to this system. And since 150 years ago through the great Japan empire era, the system was called ”neighbours group” as the inherited system. In the both system, 1 of each 5 was/is ”grass (belonging to the political power).” They shared any information for the political power and made the strong social pressure/offense, and the inheritance is now too.
And as officially until 1945, there was the ”family system“ (now it’s the custom), with the acknowledgement of baby, as constructing social power as a family, for example his/her uncle was registered as big brother in the family resister.
By this, I was called as ”F1 (F1 hybrid; Filial 1 hybrid -Wikipedia-)”, but almost all of my blood relatives were hidden to me.
These social causes are effecting now too. And almost 250 thousands people are disappearing every year not by sick, senility, accident, and crime (per year it’s about the suicides 20000, the missing 80000, the cause unclear deaths 150000. And past data are often changed, for example, the suicides in 2000 were 10000 in 2001 and increased, but the suicides were as decreasing from 40000 in 2001 to 25000 in 2018, 20000 in 2019), … now it is in the double/tripple decorated finance.
There were/are evil attacks on me, but I divided the sea/disaster in the wind/spirit in 1987, was going forward of the Glass Bead Game, with unknowing almost all, with believing inspiration sounding in me then and now.
As mental condition, I needed large space, therefore I played a video game, monster hunter portable 2nd G, for the large space of virtual reality.
And I thought to generalize this gaming experience with the first scheme method.

I’m winning G3 class monsters alone, the most difficult quests for the 2~4 hunters party connected with the devices.
That is no physical practice, but the first scheme method derives the cognition of any experience.

Applying different dimension of a small blue bead against the threat of the monster.
The angles have been given the time relation, and {any outer reflexive and the inner reflexive; the zero} exist; anywhere of {the beads, reason concept}, generating {dimension reactions; R^d}; synthesis.

{any outer reflexive and the inner reflexive; the zero} are changing during the losing of time benefit, yet the hunter’s attacking ability doesn’t conflict with the threat of the monster, but when the small red and the big blue cross, it does. This is an observation of using the beads, and is while the escaping phase after the hunter’s attack.

Filling the scheme out after the observation. The existence hasn’t been filled yet.
Next, for another monster, the monster is southpaw,

extra-0.5sec is required for hunter's attack advantage, I thought the three median lines of monster, hunter, and cat (AI hunter), and described the first scheme method.

Hunter's extra-0.5sec can be differently obtained, with where hunter is, of the three median lines.

Looking for the three median lines,

replaced the center, was observing phase 1,

phase 2,

phase 3.
By the way, I was seeking extra-approach of the scheme method since 1996, each work included about 20 schemes, now the number is yet no2401. I.e. the variations might be about 40000.
(C) Copyright 2022 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.