About the Evolution

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

About the Evolution

When I was 21 year old, my IQ was 186.
Now if 186 is a new center, I feel I’m another 186 from the center, i.e.IQ 345.96.
Naturally IQ is the distribution between 0 and 200, therefore this is my experience,

so as higher dimension as evolution, as God created Adam, with Abraham’s language.

And the center is different by each person’s uniquness, i.e. different by the DNA, no same DNA exists on the globe, each man/woman is very unique. Therefore the life/existence zero will influence this evolution different of each uniqueness, e.g. each difference of an artist, of an athlete, of a scientist, or at other unique approaches, will arise.
Uniqueness derives how the new center of the new dimension is of the evolution, and those who experience this, I think he/she will feel this world was poor.

Here as a report.
My ocular muscles are influenced when I’m thinking fastest, my eyesight deteriorates then.
My metabolism was/is becoming faster, often it is like detoxification.
I felt this change began after the 50 practices of the first scheme method, and my study efficiency of the Glass Bead Game became 100 times faster after the 720 practices, it is about in A.D. 2005.

After I will become US citizen, I hope to join the special interest’s group of immigrant, and to practice there the first scheme method at least.
I often seeked US data, Arizona’s futuristic city plan is very impressive.

no2165 ∉ Adam, accords on her face. …

(C) Copyright 2022 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.

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