Russia has made an Allied Powers with Belarus.
USA has made an Allied Powers with UK and Australia.
Yet what will be the conclusion is not known, but how a condition of making pease is sought should be preceded before a conflict.
If each citizen realize happiness when the citizen makes progress, I believe it means dignity of USA, UK, Australia, and Russia, and I've proposed the new zero of life and existence.
Therefore I keep this condition:
Permit and Declare for the Third Scheme Method of the Glass Bead Game.
Several years before the first scheme method was born in 1996, I got shake hands with 9 members of the German Upper House (Bundesrat). Then there were 11 members.
Although I’m not sure what changes in EU.
The First Scheme Method
And I’m seeking everyday what will change.

(C) Copyright 2021 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.