- As a comparison.
Roman abacus before the zero cognition.

Photographer: Mike Cowlishaw (aus der englischen Wikipedia)

In case of abacus, if each digit is made with the dimension, then the zero is included. e.g. if each digit is made with {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, then 0 is mechanically included, i.e. when no bead is moved.
2. For the next giant leap.
The first scheme method for the zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept, as the transcendence, with inner reflexive (lower right of each set) and outer reflexive (upper right of each set).

When man/woman uses reflexive ability, {space, time, concept ∈ dimensions} is realized from a-priori ability of human existence, then some of realized dimension are effecting nature as given a-priori by human interactively. The a-priories (a-priori: see after fig.6.0) are existence as nature/cosmos, therefore the outer/inner reflexives’ set in the twelve lines composing the first scheme method is phenomenon (*a1, cf. mathematics is phenomenon), the zero exists here. The a-priori follows a purpose, the change derives a function (the first set) and is derived your action (the second set *a2), then the life/existence zero was formed in the three sets of inner/outer reflexive in 1996.
*a1: the a-priories as your ability are existence, and in reflexive, you are projecting the existence to nature/cosmos, it becomes a phenomenon. To the projection, the outer/inner reflexives’ twelve lines are realized as phenomenon in the zero and it is from form to matter (the first set), from matter to form (the second set), and the intuition of reason ability (the third set) when any category in reflexive is responded by a suitable category in new reflexive to the former reflexive (ref. fig.5. Cf. a model referring Walter Benjamin).
*a2: in Lao-tzu, compared with form to matter in the first set, of the second set 1 derives 2, 2 derives 3 … as an extension is given as matter to form. E.g. one of the symbolic matter is ”水 (water)”, then number of practical extension can exist; matter, then the insight of 道 (Tao) exists; principle as 無 (nothing).
For example, also {1 + 1 = 2} is applied; any item} of the first scheme method, then the inner reflexive and the outer reflexive behave on the realized measurement, the {1 + 1 = 2} is found as {reality; a reason concept}.
the zero before {1 + 1 = 2 applied;} derives the realization, the synthesis.
I call this as “existence reaction.”
And the inner reflexive and the outer reflexive are connected on the lower left and the upper left.
(here, “;” is from/to/on …, i.e. all preposition, “{}” means element of set.)

I explain the orthodox reflexive briefly.
We sense objects in phenomena with a-priori ability, and give a form as law to reproduce the phenomena of nature. And we reply a-priori ability in the reflexive to nature including the observed phenomena, i.e. practicing hope or materialization from our a-priori ability to nature. For example our ancestor observed the sun or the moon as objects, and got a calendar about in B.C. 3500, after this they replied their a-priori ability, e.g. space-time and number, to cultivated and sowed toward ”before a harvest (the phenomena)”, then the first industrial revolution began.
At first, you observed the world, as the second, you project your a-priori ability to “before the phenomena” as a covenant, because there is no harvest yet but you believe it will come, i.e. the projection of your existence will come to change.
The advanced reflexive has been achieved as the first scheme method, as realized the new zero, any linkage appears as
(1) the first set,
{space, time, number}set on the outer-reflexive, {category}set on the inner-reflexive, in form→matter,
(2) the second set,
{path, progress}set on the outer-reflexive, {connection between nature and yourself}set on the inner-reflexive, in matter→form,
(3) the third set is in order to derive the intuition of reason, the figure to complement is fig.5,
the realization.

Referrer below article for fig.5:
The reason intuition, ref. Kant category.
I realized the first scheme method in 1996, and began the practice alone, then almost all times I practiced, many appearances of each scheme were “what I’ve already known” at first 50 times, i.e. it was the combination of the intuition of sense and understanding, and of my already obtained experience. After this path, the intuition of reason toward unknown began, the simple expression is above fig.5a Cf. a model referring Walter Benjamin, and in fact I used the three step scheme when I was busy, it was about 150 times.
I compare the reflexive of a reflexive is the reason intuition with Joseph, the dream interpreter, of Genesis 40-5.

fig.5.1 has been described in
The reason intuition, ref. Kant category.

And refer
From Schemes to Magic Symbols.
Here we refer a-priori and a-posteriori.
a-priori: existing before experience, form belongs to a-priori in Kant philosophy.
a-posteriori: emerged since experience, matter belongs to a-posteriori in Kant philosophy.

As for Zweck + mäßig + keit, below.
1. purpose
2. (Sinn) point
- Oxford German-English Dictionary -
1. drückt in Bildungen mit Substantiven aus, dass die beschriebene Person oder Sache vergleichbar mit jemandem,. etwas ist. 2. drückt in Bildungen mit Substantiven aus, dass die beschriebene Person oder Sache auf etwas basiert, beruht, einer Sache folgt aufgrund von etwas: 3. drückt in Bildungen mit Substantiven aus, dass einer Sache gemäß gehandelt o. Ä. wird; wie es etwas verlangt, vorsieht: 4. bezeichnet in Bildungen mit Substantiven etwas als Mittel oder Ursache; mithilfe von, durch etwas: 5. (UGS.) kennzeichnet in Bildungen mit Substantiven die Zugehörigkeit zu diesen; etwas betreffend, in Bezug auf etwas:
… bildet mit bestimmten Adjectiven die entsprechenden Substantive, die dann einen Zustand, eine Beschaffenheit, Eigenschaft ausdrücken: …

When I was 21 year old, my IQ was 186. Now I feel it’s over regarded 340 (naturally IQ is a distribution between 0 and 200), because any unused brain area can be active with the inner/outer reflexive of the life/existence zero, and it can be with art, sports, or any kind of brain activity with the zero.
Now I’m approaching to make imaginary number space multiply quantum biology, naturally the symbol method’s study is also progressing, the second/third scheme method’s reapplication too.
Human kind will discover new horizon since the life/existence zero, the perfect language which Abraham inspired in after the Babel.

Existence reaction (e with dot) makes each 0 of form and matter, and each 0 of outer and inner, exist in a center and on a surface at same time ((4) for (1)), i.e. finite and infinite at same time. But possible experience emerges or arises there, Abraham's prophecy, the perfect language, achieves there.
δ and σ are the rest explanation of the second scheme method, although brief.

The three point interval [0, 0, e], finite (realization) and infinite (ubiquity) at same moment.
Cf. Hesse's inspiration as "the vibration; [inside, outside], [spirit, nature]".

In order to close a far zero of zero step synthesis, we can obtain the newly generated first scheme method with the second scheme method. I’ll write for the initial second scheme method in other articles.
Also [0, 0] is any dimensional plane; outer/inner reflexives; life/dimensional zero.

As reproduction ability, we can derive 1 from an apple, but we need a definition if we derive something from 1. For example,
kind: apple
color: green
weight: middle
number: 1
A symbol as with the first scheme method needs a definition via the outer/inner reflexive which include {space, time, number, concept, … , path, an instance of reason intuition}set, and the set will make a chain (fig.8.2), then an beginning of the chain derives x0 zero.
x∞ is so far, and the amount that will be synthesized including x0 (of a0, b0, … z0 for example) will be too much vast, then the symbol method is required to reach fast and direct.

My achievement with Kant philosophy has been written on my notarized document of the first, but the document was stolen in 2012. I will restore the document from the ink-ribbon of my old printer in USA, and will walk in sun light. I haven’t been able to get out from my room five years.
In the World War II, over 300,000 American soldier died to fight with the great Japan Empire. The over 300,000 American are opening a way through where I will leave Japan forever, because of the San Francisco Peace Treaty. I never forget this.

Now I’m doing verification of the second and third scheme method again, these are becoming greater. And practicing the symbol method.

Of p-q, p=1, p=2, p=3 are structured with the inner reflexive q=2 and the outer reflexive q=4, and the equal structure of p=1, p=2, p=3 belongs to any synthesis; the cognition q=2 and q=4; [0, 0]interval in the synthesis cognition.

When a synthesis is done, the effect exists; [0, 0]interval, and the items can be changed the locations. Then inside the effect will be observed; [0, 0]interval -> the inner/outer reflexives of {space-time, number, category}set, and often will derive a new synthesis.

(1-i) is the reason intuition model from the inner/outer reflexive.
(1-ii) refers Walter Benjamin's reason intuition idea.
(2) what the third set is made from and does.

In order to study natural human potentials, of the twelve lines of the first scheme method, I applied the Napoleon Hill program (*b) to the first set, Lao-tzu to the second set, and the third set is my original. At same time I composed the twelve lines with the inner/actual appropriateness (die inne/objective Zweckmäßichkeit) of Kant.
When you apply the first scheme method, recollect your potential; the twelve lines from zero to realization. If any item itself of the twelve items is changed (e.g. symbol) in order to project the inheritance of your country's culture and civilization to any realization with your synthesis method, then the straight causality sequence’s change will be required, and then an occurred problem will may lead you, although there is the second scheme method to any newly generated first scheme method.
While I researched about pragmatism, I found the Napoleon Hill program some information of Freemason. I applied the introduction of the novel Glass Bead Game the 2R2A (recognise, relate, assimilate, apply).

fig.12.6. fig.1. and fig.12.7:
The understanding direction is from (3) to (1), the application/practice direction of divergence, convergence, and sublation is from (1) to (3). As inversion of it, the thinking of (3) to (1) derives "before (1) as (0)" and the truth exists "before (1) as (0)." It is "空 (emptiness before emptiness in Buddhism," then emptiness is presence, presence is emptiness. And "before (1) as (0)" is "道 (Tao before nothingness and presence in Taoism." Then (1)~(3) as divergence and convergence are paths of (4).
The first set of the first scheme method takes any progress from (4) to (1) of fig.12.6 fig.1, (4) leads an advanced phase after (3). It is from a-priori (before experience) to a-posteriori (after experience), from form to matter).
The second set of the first scheme method takes any progress from (0) to (3) of fig.12.6 fig.1. (0) leads an advanced phase after (1). It is from a-posteriori to a-priori, this "from matter to form" is that "how to use your life/existence (experience control)" will meet "essence; ubiquitous principle". Chinese have this in their culture.
Link of fig.12.6. fig.1:
Divergence, Convergence, Sublation.
Link for a newly generated first scheme method:
No.2440, the newly generated first scheme method from no.2339, the theme not found yet.

Difference of pragmatism between West and China.
With reason intuition, constructive intuition and sensing intuition, the both pragmatism are
West: from sensing intuition in effect to reason intuition; meeting God, the first set of the twelve strings (the first scheme method),
China: from constructive intuition over practice to reason intuition; Ying-Yang appear, the second set of the twelve strings (the first scheme method).
Studying Quantum Biology 2

No.2525. The applied Ein Sof (אין סף).

This is the beginning of the third set of the first scheme method.

Before I met Ayao Ide who translated the novel Glass Bead Game into Japanese, when I was electrical engineering student, privately I studied Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Greek philosophy. I had read almost all Hesse’s books except the Glass Bead Game, because it was out of print in Japan. I received the original German edition and the translated edition from Ayao Ide in 1988 after I graduated the institute of technology.
Link and the figure from the linked page:

e: Existence Reaction (no.2502).

Fig.14.0.1. for example of fig.14.0.0:
Reason concept (transcendental concept) is infinite but can be described for part. The description as instance of transcendency and {phenomenon; outer reflexive, inner reflexive} are being realized to reach the infinity of reason concept as {description; 0} and {0 -> any phenomenon}, for example as fig.14.0.1.

Materials like beads or stones, pigments and something to describe Ein Sof (אין סף: there is no threshold), and naturally life in spirit to react, which could used in Abraham age were required as best. And the best came in 1996.

Link of the second scheme method:
No.2027. And the Initial Second Scheme Method from 2013 to 2016, for Music.
Glass beads are used as free axes, here the yellow is defined as {in_change ∈ "\"}, i.e. the yellow is \ (unset) in change, the water-blue is defined as {stable ∈ "\"}, i.e. the water-blue is \ (unset) of stable, as following fig.5.4, although the probe will be continued until it will be achieved, e.g. for fig.14.0.1,

Fig.14.0.4 is transformed as

[big ○ (although not exist here), big ●]interval -> the phenomenon, it is from

[small unexisted ○, small unexisted ○]interval are proben the existence by the peculiarities of [small ○, small ○, small ○] and [small ○, small ○, small ○]. Then, as in this instance, [0, phenomenon] and [0, (universality → peculiarity)] make transcendental concept over the threshold loss with inner-reflexive and outer-reflexive become real existence. Compare with fig.14.0.1 and fig.14.0.4, and see how the transcendental concept becomes reality.

God create man with giving spirit into quantum field, then the intellect is being developed as

E = mc^2, {purest Uranium 3 gram -> c^2} becomes Hiroshima scale nuclear explosion.
How many is your weight? You are always in {m <-> c^2} between life and aether body. You in the energy is beyond your imagination.
I have my 50 years plan or 100 million years plan, naturally my lifetime is about 100 years as longest.
Although of it, my subconscious reacts the time interval, and while I'm sleeping, while my mental block is weakening, my full imagination is called by Creation, a new page is described soon when I awake (i.e. I'm studying while I'm sleeping).
When my life will end, but the power the flooding will never end forever.
Don't leave, listen the calling, live your miracle from Creation.
(C) Copyright 2021~2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.