Life/existence zero exists with the first scheme method.
And individual/state choose own unique path, then the shared dimensions of civilization accelerate mutual development.
When the first scheme method is applied to reality, a simulator is required to share each created effect, to model the vision.
I described the requirements.
Below is the simulation making of the civilization horizon.

The red and blue short lines emerged from the first scheme method on ln mean the objective inner and outer reflexives from the new zero application, and a future accord; the reason intuition, projected possibilities to space-time.
The reason intuition, ref. Kant category.
In history, humankind wanted to know the truth deriving power, including realization of magic or preternatural power that is now studied with parapsychology also with a few reproductivity.
But with the dimension of the first scheme method, man/woman can obtain an exceeding dimension reproductive e.g. for future cognition.
Once I studied for magic and preternatural power in Orient, and converted those concepts to the reason concepts for the Glass Bead Game below
- view point (sign)
- foreseeing (trial)
- awakening (accord in one)
- preceding (progress)
- occurrence (power)
- development (cognition)
- flux (nature)
these seven reason concepts can be applied the red and blue short lines of fig.8-5.
When each symbol of music, mathematics, language etc. are used to reproduce, the symbol is originally magic symbol because of the phenomena, but each domain of knowledge was limited before the first scheme method. Below link is an example of the unlimited symbol approach.
No.2414 applied my magic symbol approach about in 2010.

here, {} means a set, () means a calculation.
{δmn}; some card sets of the evaluation points are prepared.
in the advantage on en of the crisis,(player A’s point on ln - player B’s point on ln) makes each player’s civilization sphere as power.
“Crisis is often linked to the concept of psychological stress and used to suggest a frightening or fraught experience. In general, crisis is the situation of a "complex system" (family, economy, society. Note that simple systems do not enter crises. We can speak about a crisis of moral values, an economical or political crisis, but not a motor crisis) when the system functions poorly (the system still functions, but does not break down), an immediate decision is necessary to stop the further disintegration of the system, but the causes of the dysfunction are not immediately identified (the causes are so many, or unknown, that it is impossible to take a rational, informed decision to reverse the situation).”
- Wikipedia -

Consideration of Ark: no2328

The links:
Creating Kyo’s Civilization.
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (2).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (3).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (4).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (5).
Creating Kyo’s Civilization (6).
Creating Kyo's Civilization (7).
Creating Kyo's Civilization (8).
No. 2496 Appearance and Dimensions of Civilization or Leader, as Creating Kyo’s Civilization (9).
No.2498. Creating Kyo’s Civilization (10).
Gaming and Cards, Creating Kyo’s Civilization (11) (no.2508).
No. 2514. Creating Kyo’s Civilization (12)
(C) Copyright 2021 Kyo Nissho. All rights reserved.