Of dimensional sight, remembering and feeling of 7th day.

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

Of dimensional sight, remembering and feeling of 7th day.

With the first scheme method of the Glass Bead Game,
thought from books you/we love is connected to phenomena.

Then the arising change through “books” are transmittable.

The documents which has gotten date proved by notary
and my photos etc. were disappearing.

And since I used VPS in USA,
I found my web-site’s original access number is 60 times more
than VPS was in Japan.

Etc. ...

In other words,
(1)’s influence across the world was invisible to me in Japan.

Now how information is connected in the Internet
is seemingly used as an architecture to assault “any target”.

Then (1) is remembered,
i.e. “books” aren’t information connected in the Internet,
and the thought you get is connected to phenomena.

My brain was becoming bigger through the experience
in 25 years.

Today, Sabbath, I’m remembering and feeling of 7th day.
It is dimensional sight.

Great books, be transmittable dimensionally.

Especially the great context exists.

(C) Copyright 2021 Kyo Nissho. All rights reserved.

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