If war, but we run toward our future.

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

If war, but we run toward our future.

Some viewpoints:

If civilian clothes soldier does war act in civilian, the original society is regarded as doing war. Therefore guerrilla is a war crime.

If a powerful party leads to control the national election from foreign countries, it’s coup.


Vigilance committee is legal.

Often bilateral deal becomes higher income to producer and lower price to consumer because of without intermediation, for example oil, food, and medicine.

If smart technical experts join Linux distribution “Abraham”, it will make Abraham accord since 2020 will be safer and prosperous for international faith communication, the economy, and the industry.

Reference 1: At least 80 million American voted the sitting president who is greatest deal veteran.

In addition, the social power of (3)~(6) is profitable of I will get the citizenship.

(C) Copyright 2021 Kyo Nissho.

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