The antecedent:
The Internet as shared opportunity of expression, thought, science, human rights was constructed in the connected world servers.
The consequent:
Free speech/expresssion judged in each sovereign country and the mutual agreement.
The present condition 1:
Therefore companies of Internet technology had the chance of high growth in almost all world countries.
The present condition 2:
GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) issue has existed.
The present condition 3:
A sitting president of USA was technologically shut out from the Internet by American big techs.
A view:
Humankind had experienced the two world wars, and shared democracy.
In each case of human rights, each person should have chance to tell for the right.
People who believe own initiative toward a good world can have a third person of good will, and then a clear good will exist, especially with leaders of each field.
What does physical shutout for a good will mean?
And what was/is the Internet history?
Update 1:
A view above.
(C) Copyright 2021 Kyo Nissho.