Lao-tzu, Chapter 1.
Tao to be possible Tao, is not usual Tao.
a name to be a possible name, is not the usual name.
no name at the beginning of the heaven and the earth,
a name at the mother of all things.
therefore perceive a key by no intention,
perceive its obstruction by intention.
it arises both by same orisin,
has a different name,
and has same cause of thing itself.
thing itself to thing itself, is the gate of people.
entire substance by existence reaction
antecedent 1; Tao to be possible Tao:
we perceive thing itself in existence reaction.
antecedent 2; the mother of all things:
objects are a path, and we can use the path.
antecedent 3; perceive a key:
at both sides of the key,
"return to an antecedent (here → 2 → 1)" makes a key arise,
"its" is restraint,
antecedent 4; same orisin, a different name:
the amount of existence reaction is same,
and effect is observed different.
antecedent 5; thing itself to thing itself:
take the antecedent in substance over consequences;
it is the gate of people
Tao : intension: variable ; nature
extension: substance; Dé (徳)
variable: intension: numbers ; change
extension: connection; application
note: in the books;
substance of Tao (道) is named as Gen (玄) in a later chapter.
Gen is figured as thing itself.
Dé (徳) is explained as effect, a ubiquitous path of change.
- Translated by Kyo -

a comparison of enzyme dimension process in life with dimension process in nature is realized, a generation route is assumed with environment research of the dimensions in the country. this suggests possibility of national wealth increasing.
when thought from Lao-tzu, the mountains and the sources of river, these are Dragon cause, and the harbors, these are the gate of sea as the king of hundred rivers,
become increasing effect.
synthesizing ...
(C) Copyright 2020 Kyo Nissho. All rights reserved.