D614G, a prominent mutation of COVID-19, has been talked about.
The elucidation of the rapid infection called COVID-20 and its match with D614G is yet to be elucidated.
I will write this article from the synthesis and Taoism perspective on a predictions how the metabolic control disruption will occur.
a previous post:
Kyo’s personal study: “if I create more deadly COVID-19 as COVID-20, then about the recovery.”

the previous figure is in this post:
Kyo’s personal study: “if I create more deadly COVID-19 as COVID-20, then about the recovery.” fig.8

I haven't seen more information yet, but it seems that Pfizer has told EU that COVID-19 vaccine is at risk of infertility. COVID-19 grows in human body while the human antibodies making is unresponsive to the virus.
If COVID-19 is detected early by PCR test and the people rest calm, COVID-19 is excreted from the human body with the human basic immunity function.
On its effect of COVID-19 vaccine, I envision that the vaccine influences inside human body's basic immunity. However, I think this is not because the vaccine is incomplete, but because of the nature of COVID-19 (characteristics of vaccine's object).
One of the methods to improve immunity is Chinese medicine. Here, mainly refer to the basic medicines taken for a long time.
In addition, there are medicines for medium-term use within 3 months and short-term medicines for up to 3 weeks.
Observing the reaction of the living body by the medicines working on the metabolism is called "脈診 (linking the chain reaction in holistic vitality to the judgment, direct translation: pulse diagnosis)", and medicines are prescribed according to the pulse diagnosis.
One of the most famous Chinese medicines is Ginseng (高麗人参). Observations by Western medicine have reported that the entire brain is activated after taking ginseng.
A stimulant was born by concentrating Chinese medicine Ephedra (麻黄) in Japan and by changing the chemical composition in Germany.
Although I haven't researched the concentration and chemical composition in detail, I think, it is like sending the whole amount of Ephedra taken in lifetime continuously, into humanbody at a single use of stimulant. And then the chain reaction diagnosis is Ignored from the first.
Presently, I'm paying attention to Ginseng and Lo Han Kuo (Momordica grosvenori, 羅漢果), which can be taken continuously for a long period of time to improve immunity and metabolism.
Since these are a basic medicine for health, it can be purchased at a drugstore without a prescription.
I use Lo Han Kuo as a sweetener on a daily basis. The metabolism is improved, the skin is moisturized and smooth.
I will write (3) or more of this theme.
(C) Copyright 2020 Kyo Nissho. All rights reserved.