Permit and Declare for the Third Scheme Method of the Glass Bead Game.

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

Permit and Declare for the Third Scheme Method of the Glass Bead Game.

I have pursued information on and after January 20.
The thing which found-out various turning points make expect
resembles the world where I wanted to meet.

Balance existed in each action which leads recovery to the world
of tending to bankruptcy with progress of time.
While each thought was transcended, the individuality shone strongly.

Religious force attracted attention again.
Abraham was the initial prophet
because the contract with God was possible on Abram.

Based on this, I make the next declaration.

I permit the United States, Russia^a, and United Kingdom
use of the Third Scheme Method of the Glass Bead Game.
In this case, also my own use is kept.

^a the permission is deleted on December 12, 2023:
I’m not yet a Jew, but I want to become a Jew. Therefore now Russia has become an enemy country of me.
“With no end to the war in Ukraine in sight, Russian reliance on countries such as Turkey and Iran for trade and military equipment is likely to grow. If Netanyahu had counted on Putin’s warm feelings toward Israel and the Jewish people to prevent him from courting the Jewish state’s worst enemies, then Russia’s ties with Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Iranian proxies are sobering evidence that warm feelings don’t stand in the way of Russian interests and realpolitik.”

There was no reply from Japan that approved the use of the Second Scheme Method in 2016.
And all consequents for which consent exists were denied.
The conditional has been false by the denial of all consequents.
I never permit Japan all of my intellectual property to use.

I permitted use of the First Scheme Method to the world by myself in May 2011, and now it is except Japan.

I'm referring Treaty Of Peace With Japan.

Treaty Of Peace With Japan


Chapter V

Claims And Property

Article 14

(a) It is recognized that Japan should pay reparations to the Allied Powers for the damage and suffering caused by it during the war.

Nevertheless it is also recognized that the resources of Japan are not presently sufficient, if it is to maintain a viable economy, to make complete reparation for all such damage and suffering and at the same time meet its other obligations.

  1. (I) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (II) below, each of the Allied Powers shall have the right to seize, retain, liquidate or otherwise dispose of all property, rights and interests of (a) Japan and Japanese nationals, (b) persons acting for or on behalf of Japan or Japanese nationals, and (c) entities owned or controlled by Japan or Japanese nationals, which on the first coming into force of the present Treaty were subject to its jurisdiction.
    2(I) 次の(II)の規定を留保して、各連合国は、次に掲げるもののすべての財産、権利及び利益でこの条約の最初の効力発生の時にその管轄の下にあるものを差し押え、留置し、清算し、その他何らかの方法で処分する権利を有する。(a)日本国及び日本国民、(b)日本国又は日本国民の代理者又は代行者、並びに(c)日本国又は日本国民が所有し、又は支配した団体

The property, rights and interests specified in this subparagraph shall include those now blocked, vested or in the possession or under the control of enemy property authorities of Allied Powers, which belong to, or were held or managed on behalf of, any of the persons or entities mentioned in (a), (b) or (c) above at the time such assets came under the controls of such authorities.

(V) The Allied Powers agree to deal with Japanese trademarks and literary and artistic property rights on a basis as favorable to Japan as circumstances ruling in each country will permit.
(V) 連合国は、日本の商標並びに文学的及び美術的著作権を各国の一般的事情が許す限り日本国に有利に取り扱うことに同意する。

I append having referred also the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Naturally, because rights are the antecedent of contract, if my rights are threatened with any way, there is no contract from the beginning.

(C) Copyright 2017~2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.

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