Nearly two years is expected for COVID-19 to be resolved.
Or shortly with getting new habits.
Out of destructive past of COVID-19, or control the future consequences of motivation instead of habitual space-time out of control.
Briefly, the merit from the threat.

Symbol: the object in a reflected world
<- Function: synergy's coodinates
Cultural property: life
-> Reflexive judgment: change recovering lost coodinates
Principle: reflexive: materialized synergy → unleashed R^d behavior
<- Trial: assistance space-time into human behavior
Change: mind influenced;
-> Human ability: potential life
Existence: space-time conversion
<- Mercy: function influencing;
Appearing: extra-space-time cognition arisen in synergy
-> Possible of object: synergy realization

(C) Copyright 2020 Kyo Nissho. All rights reserved.