No.2935. Verb Double Reflexives onto Every Space Surface.

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

No.2935. Verb Double Reflexives onto Every Space Surface.

I was seeking potential space^d exceeding to eternity from the glass beads being put.

I've practiced new potential glass beads' space from a surface of φ=mod(sin(3θ+r),r).

Fig.1. φ=mod(sin(3θ+r),r). Generated by Quick Graph for iPhone.
Fig.2. I've put glass beads onto φ=mod(sin(3θ+r),r) of fig.1.

φ=mod(sin(3θ+r),r) is not requirement, but I was playing space with a graphic calculator, and selected a surface to be put dimensional change of {space, time, category, } and { , , , ⊥ (orthogonal)}.

A Tarrot card [omitted verb X] itself (reflexive), of
and [omitted verb X] verb Y itself, then
verb X and verb Y make reason intuition
including potential {space, time, ⊥}.
I love to apply the Bible to the verb double reflexives of reason intuition deriving {space, time, ⊥}.
Then ⊥ → synthesized phenomenon emerges or arises newly from unknown or unawakened.

(1) Water [omitted verb X] grape.
(2) [omitted verb X] become (as verb Y) wine.
(3) Verb X: to derive life, verb Y: to use space-time.
(4) (3) {light⇦, to resolute sugar content} | ⇦ means reflexive here.
(5) (4), but light itself doesn't resolute suger, { , , ⊥} exists there.
(6) "Water becomes God (O1, reflexive as V0 or es (it) as S2 in case of German) wine (O2).
These (1)~(6) didn't use mathematics or physics, but are deriving space-time, although can be connected mathematics and physics. I.e. a case of double verb reflexive for reason intuition.

Below fig.3 is as related sensation continuing fig.1 and fig.2.

Musical keyboard, the beads and real Annecy Lake which Sezanne painted.


The big water-blue in disintegration at convergence path, the big green in disintegration at divergence path, the big yellow and the small blue.
Link to see the fig.5.3 and fig.5.4 in next article, how to use the beads:
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept

At the common denominator of music and mathematics, in case of fig.1~fig.3, {music, colour, category, } was suitable to experience myself reason intuition.
Related link:
Studying Quantum Biology 3

Fig.4.0. The first scheme for fig.2.0.
Fig.4.1. The first scheme for fig.3.

(C) Copyright 2025 Kiyom Nishio (Kyo Nissho). All rights reserved.

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