No.2535. Beyond the Light Speed, Toward Outside Our Galaxy.
(1) after fig.
According to Wile's proof of Fermat's last theorem, {x^d + y^d ≠ z^d (d ≧ 3)} → Gal(closure_Q/Q) (Q means any field).
Here Gal(closure_Q/Q) → ψn (nth vector), n ∈ {0, 1, … , p-a}, ψn/ψn connotes 0/0, therefore 0/0 = 1.
Inverse squre law is derived to x^2 + y^2 = z^2. The ^d (d ≧ 3) connotes [0, 0], [0, 0] means that Minkowski space-time exists here and everywhere in the ^d (d ≧ 3), and the imaginary number space derives i0 just and only one exists for [0, 0]. Although Minkowski space-time is for ^2 space, as above, [0, 0] of the ^d (d ≧ 3) exists.
Parity violation means that the inverse square law is invalid in the interval. Therefore when another law is able to be applied for the interval, an approach to Theory of Everything is possible, [0, 0] makes -gravity and ultra-light speed possible at least, further more, where life began from, or yet unknown subjects will be there.
Past scholars and scientists are naturally greatest, I love them to study, but if our mind is living before 20th century peacefully like a pet or a domestic animal, it leads death over the time force. Time is physical existence and structure. Even if "our everything" is same, but the physical structures of time are changing, there will not be "our known world" if the outlook will be same.
I believe the Bible is axiom of Almighty, therefore I'm progressing in the Almighty, conquering any time's change.
I'm learning for a quantum computer but not enough, and I'm wondering that a quantum computer can be used including as quantum field detector. Photons are spinning randomly in a quantum computer with being influenced quantum fields around there, i.e. photons reacting to any quantum field. I wonder what "the calculating in detecting any quantum fields" is, as the meaning for ^d's [0, 0] over ^2's [0, 0] of Minkowski space-time.
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