May 18th update

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

May 18th update


Analog Synthesizer Controlled with 88 Keys Keyboard, wavelength of [material, energy]interval.


For example, this time, I chose “tines” of the sounds, played some parts of the Brahms symphony no.1 with my right hand, it was in A4~G4, and with left hand, some chords chosen from the symphony, in A1~G1. There was an impact.


A4~G4’s wave length is 8 times shorter than A1~G1’s, like below.

fig.3a. 2D, wavelength in (1 : 8). as fig generated by QuickGraph+.
fig.3.b. 3D, wavelength (1 : 8). as fig generated QuickGraph+.

Wavelength in spin converted to flat space as Borrel conversion, and it is as life survival space because materializations from energy emerge in any space.

fig.4a. ref. fig.1 of article Studying Quantum Biology.
fig.4b. ref. fig.2 of article Studying Quantum Biology.

Link: Studying Quantum Biology:

Generally, long wavelength includes large space of the conversion between energy and materials. And short wavelength includes free space, and allows you space in imagination.

And I gave e (Napier’s constant) to the two wavelength. E constantly gives lope 1 to dimensional change.

fig.4c. a single wavelength (1 : 1) times e^1 to z. as fig generated QuickGraph+.


(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.

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