December 6th update information

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

December 6th update information


Creating Kyo’s Civilization.


After fig.8-5,

In history, humankind wanted to know the truth deriving power, including realization of magic or preternatural power that is now studied with parapsychology also with a few reproductivity.
But with the dimension of the first scheme method, man/woman can obtain an exceeding dimension reproductive e.g. for future cognition.
Once I studied for magic and preternatural power in Orient, and converted those concepts to the reason concepts for the Glass Bead Game below

  1. view point (sign)
  2. foreseeing (trial)
  3. awakening (accord in one)
  4. preceding (progress)
  5. occurrence (power)
  6. development (cognition)
  7. flux (nature)

these seven reason concepts can be applied the red and blue short lines of fig.8-


(C) Copyright 2022 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.

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