The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept
When man/woman uses reflexive ability, {space, time, concept ∈ dimensions} is realized from a-priori ability of human existence, then some of realized dimension are effecting nature as given a-priori by human interactively. The a-priories are existence as nature/cosmos, therefore the outer/inner reflexives’ set in the twelve lines composing the first scheme method is phenomenon (cf. mathematics is phenomenon), the zero exists here. The a-priori follows a purpose, the change derives a function (the first set) and is derived your action (the second set *a), then the life/existence zero was formed in the three sets of inner/outer reflexive in 1996.
*a: in Lao-tzu, compared with form to matter in the first set, of the second set 1 derives 2, 2 derives 3 … as an extension is given as matter to form. E.g. one of the symbolic matter is ”水 (water)”, then number of practical extension can exist; matter, then the insight of 道 (Tao) exists; principle as 無 (nothing).
When man/woman uses reflexive ability, {space, time, concept ∈ dimensions} is realized from a-priori ability of human existence, then some of realized dimension are effecting nature as given a-priori by human interactively. The a-priories are existence as nature/cosmos, therefore the outer/inner reflexives’ set in the twelve lines composing the first scheme method is phenomenon (*a1, cf. mathematics is phenomenon), the zero exists here. The a-priori follows a purpose, the change derives a function (the first set) and is derived your action (the second set *a2), then the life/existence zero was formed in the three sets of inner/outer reflexive in 1996.
*a1: the a-priories as your ability are existence, and in reflexive, you are projecting the existence to nature/cosmos, it becomes a phenomenon. To the projection, the outer/inner reflexives’ twelve lines are realized as phenomenon in the zero and it is from form to matter (the first set), from matter to form (the second set), and the intuition of reason ability (the third set) when any category in reflexive is responded by a suitable category in new reflexive to the former reflexive (ref. fig.5. Cf. a model referring Walter Benjamin).
*a2: in Lao-tzu, compared with form to matter in the first set, of the second set 1 derives 2, 2 derives 3 … as an extension is given as matter to form. E.g. one of the symbolic matter is ”水 (water)”, then number of practical extension can exist; matter, then the insight of 道 (Tao) exists; principle as 無 (nothing).
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