For The Fourth Industrial Revolution (2).
I sought how human kind thought supernatural power, and I categorized the kinds as
(1) viewpoint
(2) foreseeing
(3) awakening
(4) preceding
(5) occurrence
(6) development
(7) flux
characteristically (5) as motivation led the second industrial revolution, briefly it’s “engine” or “electricity generation”, (1) and (3) is the Internet.
Whether the motivation exists or not means whether a vision is shared.
This time, e.g. (2) and (4) as motivation will be identified as below article
“Creating Kyo’s Civilization (3)”
Although these seven categories are “polarized”, but archetypes of “exceeding” as motivation, and when a shared motivation reacts diversity, it’s power flow in visualized time.
(C) Copyright 2021 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.